

Thalassaemia and Sickle Cell Australia (TASCA) is a support and advocacy organisation for Australians living with genetic haemoglobin conditions.


Here at TASCA, we are driven by a single goal – to do our part in making the world a better place for those living with genetic blood conditions.


Join our community of dedicated patients, professionals and volunteers. Be part of the work that we do in promoting positive health outcomes and quality of life for those living with a haemoglobin condition.

of the world’s population are carriers of a gene that can cause a haemoglobin condition
0 %
affected births each year worldwide (83% Sickle Cell & 17% Thalassaemia)

Alpha Thalassaemia

Our English language factsheet on Alpha Thalassaemia has been translated into Arabic, Cantonese, Dari, Greek, Swahili and more ….

Beta Thalassaemia

Our English language factsheet on Beta Thalassaemia has been translated into Arabic, Dari, Greek, Swahili and more. ….

Sickle Cell Anaemia

Our English language factsheet on Sickle Cell Anaemia has been translated into Arabic, Dari, Greek, Swahili and more ….

Family Planning

Our English language factsheet on family planning has been translated into Arabic, Dari, Greek, Swahili and more….

School Presentations

Book a free genetics presentation!

Thalassaemia and Sickle Cell Australia offers a free genetics presentation to schools in Victoria and an online presentation to interstate schools' Science and Biology classes. The presentation can be tailored as an introduction or revision of the relevant studies in Science and Biology. The content ties in with the current VCE Biology curriculum.